Monday, April 12, 2010

Back to the blog: Poetry from all over the world: do not leave us!

Dear diary readers,

After almost three years without publishing, today i come back. Truthly i never been out of poetry, just i did not put anything here. There are a lot of reasons for that. May be one day i will be able to say something about it.

Initially, the main goal of this blog was to insert, once a day, during the year, a text from a Poet. As i said, under some circunstances the goal wasn´t easy to achieve, even it has been acomplished for some months. After that i´d try to put other elements under a more diverse way: like photography.

From now on, other texts, and other art fields will have a place here. What i am trying to do is to turn the blog space more wide and diverse. It is true, that according to a formal point a view, there´s only a way of writing poetry, but does it mean that poetry is only the form of a Poem? Of course, not!

Poetry is everywhere:

Inside us, at home, in the street, inside our friends, inside unknowned people, inside photography, inside the cinema, music, dance, theatre...

Poetry from all over the world: do not leave us...don´t let i leave you...


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